Seeking Light
The Esoteric Heart of Freemasonry
by Michael R. Poll
Available in Paperback, Hardback, Kindle, and Audiobook (Kindle and Audiobook links below on page)
Seeking Light is an approachable, easy to read collection of common Masonic philosophy and practices. The pages provide clear thoughts and advice on many of today’s Masonic questions and the situations that plague our lodges and members. It is the esoteric heart of Freemasonry.
Kindle edition of this work is available by clicking HERE
Audio Book edition of this work available by clicking HERE.
Living in a World of Change
What is Esoterism?
Masonic Alchemy
Freemasons and Rosicrucians
Forgiveness and Freemasonry
Maundy Thursday in the Scottish Rite
The Highest Masonic Degree
Being the Worshipful Master
My Story of Discovering the Present Day Supreme Council of Louisiana
The “It” Factor (Just Do it)
Masonic Communications
The Lodge of Perfection
Guarding the West Gate
A Lodge in Need
The Cup of Coffee
A Young Man Joins a Masonic Lodge
From Amazon.com
Eddie Hazelett
5.0 out of 5 stars
A book that shines light on all aspects of the current status of Freemasonry by an author that describes the pathway to get back to what the Craft was and should be.
From Amazon.com
Eric Henry Gamble
5.0 out of 5 stars
This is another example of the fine work of Brother Poll. Covers a wide range of timely and interesting topics that should be of concern to all Masons today.
From Audible.com
5 out of 5 stars
Awesome on many levels.
As a new brother to the Craft it is refreshing to see my particular vantage point addressed with some of these topics. I'm not new to esoteric studies or "schools of mystery" so when it came to freemasonry I made sure to study as thoroughly as I could without "ruining any surprises" for myself through means of legit Masonic podcasts as well as legit Masonic discussions and sessions had for the public on YouTube. I've listened to the many stories of how things were when other brothers joined as well as the different ways the many lodges went about the process, it's awesome to see that certain methods are adjusted for the times while the importance of maintaining the essence of Freemasonry is retained. Entertainment really is as easy as the push of a button so when I went seeking a meaningful life experience, I was looking for one that brought a certain weight of substance in this mundane world. My mentor is the same way and thus far we've "been the change we've wanted to see". Works of literature like this are a breath of fresh air and a second wind when it comes to staying the course and keeping the esoteric essence of Freemasonry alive and thriving.
- Product Details:
- 6x9 Softcover & Hardcover
- Pages:
- 156
- 978-1-61342-257-1
- ISBN (Hardcover):
- 978-1-61342-438-4
Excellent Resource
Seeking Light is an excellent collection of papers and academic research on Masonry and history. It is a wonderful primer for persons interested in the history of Masonry, and would like to build a working foundation in the subject. It is very easy to read, and is a recommended addition to anyone's library.