Living Freemasonry

Michael R. Poll
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Living Freemasonry

A Better Path to Travel
by Michael R. Poll

Available in Paperback, Hardback, Large Print Paperback, Ebook, and Audiobook (Ebook and Audiobook links below on page)

The world and everything in it is changing. Freemasonry is facing new challenges. How will we deal with them? Will we rage at things that have changed our plans? Will we be paralyzed in confusion by the changes? We can’t choose or know what will happen tomorrow, but we can choose how we will respond. We can use the many lessons of Freemasonry as a guide for personal betterment — a guide for living better in society. By putting the teachings to use, we can be wiser, more honorable, and happier humans. It’s all our choice.

This is a very personal book. In this book are private thoughts, feelings, and experiences with the goal of contributing to a collective body of possible aid for the seeking Freemason. There is hope. There is still Freemasonry.

Ebook edition of this work is available by clicking HERE.

Audio Book edition of this work available by clicking HERE.

Product Details:
Softcover, Hardcover & Large Print
Pages (Large Print):
ISBN (Hardcover):
ISBN (Large Print):