Lodge Officer 2 Book Bundle
Journals and PlannersLodge Officer 2 Book Bundle
Robert’s Rules of Order: Masonic Edition
Experienced legislators, editors, civic leaders, business executives, and club officers all pronounce Robert's Rules of Order the best parliamentary guide in the English language. Its amazing acceptance entitles it to the claim of being the recognized authority in parliamentary law. Now, for the first time, the most comprehensive, understandable, and logical guide to smooth-running meetings has been revised for use in Masonic lodges and appendant bodies. This is a must for every Masonic lodge officer. Includes Order of Business, Prerogatives of the Worshipful Master, The 25 Ancient Landmarks Of Freemasonry by Albert Mackey, Anderson’s Constitutions and much more.
Lodge Officer Daily Planner
Wonderful gift! Handy One Year Planner Perfect for the Mason on the Go and in Need of Some Reminder of Upcoming Events. Set Your Own Dates. Easily Plan Your Masonic Education Nights, Degrees, and Stay on Track to Make The Most of Every Lodge Meeting and Event: 6 x 9 size. Beautiful Matte Finish and Meaningful Masonic Artwork Cover. 370 pages.