Milestone Reached for the New Orleans Scottish Rite College!

Posted by Michael R. Poll on Mar 8th 2025

Milestone Reached for the New Orleans Scottish Rite College!

Ten Years ago, the New Orleans Scottish Rite College listed its first video on YouTube. The goal was to provide viewers with a no-cost Masonic education platform.

We started slow and on a shoestring. Our equipment was (and still is) standard home computer equipment. My wife and two sons were my editorial committee. My youngest son took on the task of editing the videos. We all knew it was a no-money project, but I felt we could provide some Masonic education. So, we jumped in head-first.

Now, 10 years later, we are still a small YouTube channel. We don’t have massive numbers of subscribers or viewers, but we try our best to produce meaningful Masonic education videos. And now we have passed a milestone of which I am very proud: We hit 5,000 subscribers! Yes, I know in the YouTube world this is a drop in the bucket, but for us, it is a signal that what we are doing is appreciated by some. THANK YOU!

Thank you for subscribing, liking, sharing, and watching the videos. We will continue as long as you are interested in them. If the channel means something to you, please help us by spreading the word. Share the video links, tell others, and most of all, subscribe, like, and comment. It helps show that there is some interest.

Thanks again!


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